Launch your best career

Houston, we have a problem.

Far too many college graduates are either unemployed or underemployed.

Thanks to automation, outsourcing, and a shift from permanent to temporary workers, there are more unemployed people than there are job openings. Worse, the official unemployment number doesn’t count those who have given up or run out of unemployment benefits.
No, You Can't be an Astronaut front cover with sad astronaut
Kill a dream. Save a career.

In this environment, following your dreams is no way to make a living. Pie-in-the-sky platitudes about reaching for the moon–no matter how well-intentioned–can knock you off course.

Unhelpful Platitudes.
Unhelpful advice. Source: Your High School Counselor.

No, you can’t be an Astronaut is a practical guide for both first-time jobseekers and midlife career changers. This book includes the latest job market data, organizational research, and useful self-assessment tools.

No, you can’t be an Astronaut will help you to cultivate your planning, job search, and interview skills so that you can launch your best career.

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