#Giveaway and Character Interview: Julie Mulhern's Send in the #Clowns

>>>Enter to win an ebook by Julie Mulhern!<<< Haunted houses are scary enough without knife-wielding clowns. Especially murderous knife-wielding clowns. So thinks Ellison Russell, single mother, artist, and reluctant sleuth. The most likely culprit is disgruntled real estate agent Flora Curtival, whose issues with the town give her a motive. But when Flora is murdered …

First, spend a semester teaching intro comp. Then you can write about the “cushy” life of a college professor.

Gawker is on the story. "Even when school is in session they don't spend too many hours in the classroom. For tenure-track professors, there is some pressure to publish books and articles, but deadlines are few. Working conditions tend to be cozy and civilized and there are minimal travel demands, except perhaps a non-mandatory conference …