Does this outfit make me look readable? Author photos and genre

What is the purpose of an author photo? It allows the reader to feel a connection with the author, of course, but the photo also communicates something about the genre of the book.

Janet Evanovich, Sue Grafton, Diane Mott Davidson and Shelley Costa write funny, PG-rated mysteries, where the violence and sex happen offstage.

Janet Evanovich Sue Grafton Diane Mott Davidson shelleycosta
Janet Evanovich Sue Grafton Diane Mott Davidson Shelley Costa

All four author photos feature a smile and a slight head tilt; the authors look friendly and approachable.

This kind of pose is not necessarily the best fit for all genres. You probably wouldn’t mistake Mercedes M. Yardley for a writer of cozy mysteries.

Mercedes M. Yardley
Mercedes M. Yardley’s works include Nameless: The Darkness Comes and Beautiful Sorrows

Nor does Anna Taborska seem like someone who pens madcap adventures involving cookie recipes and precocious cats.

Anna Taborska, author of For Those Who Dream Monsters
Anna Taborska, author of For Those Who Dream Monsters

For my author photo, I’ll be working with a talented Hawaii-based photographer. The Molly Barda mysteries are lighthearted and fairly clean, so we’ll go for something in the spirit of the first set of photos. I’m looking forward to seeing what we come up with. Stay tuned!

Frankie Bow’s first novel, THE MUSUBI MURDER , is available at,, and iTunes.

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