#Giveaway and Interview: Christina Freeburn, Framed to Death

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Eden has turned into a hotspot of crime, and Faith finds herself smack dab in the middle of the flare-up. When a favor for a friend links Faith to the synthetic marijuana problem invading her town, no good deed goes unpunished becomes the theme of her life. The town accuses the police of favoritism toward her, putting a strain between Faith and Ted, and a new officer is determined to prove Faith’s guilt.

Framed to Death
by Christina Freeburn

Framed to Death Cover - Copy
When the criminal is outed, Faith’s relief is short-lived. A fire takes out the store—along with the suspected dealer—and she’s now number one on an officer’s suspect list. Faith sets out to prove her own innocence, and her digging sparks the truth to life. Instead of the truth setting the town free, Faith finds out it might destroy Eden and the friends she holds dear.

Q: Christina, thanks for joining us today at Island Confidential. Tell our readers a little bit about your protagonist, Faith Hunter.
A:  Faith Hunter moved back to her home town of Eden, West Virginia to work in her grandmothers’ scrapbooking store when her life of adventure abroad left her bruised, broken, and almost spending the rest of her life in prison. One person stood by Faith and made she wasn’t wrongly convicted of a crime, and Faith finds herself wanting to show her gratitude by helping those who find themselves in a similar circumstance.
Q: How much of you is in the Faith?  How would you feel about her if you met her in real life?
A:  I think there is a little bit of me in Faith, though I know a friend of mine would say there’s much more of me in her than I realized. Faith’s guilty conscience is definitely a characteristic she shares with me. I’m sure Faith and I would get along pretty well and we’d have an awesome time scrapbooking together.
Q: Do your characters change and evolve throughout consecutive books in the series?
A:  Yes. At the start of the Scrap This Mystery Series, Faith is so terrified of people learning her secret that she keeps everyone at arm’s length. Her fear controls her life and decisions. Faith has grown over the last three books and in Framed to Death, I see her becoming more of her own person and living her life based on what she truly wants. In a way, she’s now defining herself on what she’s done rather than on what was done to her.
Q: Have you ever thought of killing someone that you know in real life–on the pages of a murder mystery, I mean? 
A:  No, that’s my story and I must stick with it.
Q: How realistic is your setting? Do you take liberties, or are you true to life?
A:  I base parts of the fictional Eden, West Virginia using some of the details about the town that I live in, borrowing some of the unique and quirky buildings and situations…like one of the fire station buildings being built near the bowling area.
Q: Do you see your books as a movie, a TV series, a video game, or..?
A:  I can see the Scrap This Series as a TV series rather than a movie. I’m having some trouble narrowing down choices on who’d play the major parts.
Q: What’s the worst and best advice you’ve heard or received as an author?
A:  The worst piece of advice was the often heard and quoted, “Write what you know.” When I decided to work toward having a book published, I was a mother of two young children and at home. At the time, I truly felt like I didn’t “know” anything of interest to other people. How would a book based on what I knew be interesting? And some of the issues I conquered in my life weren’t topics I wanted to write about…or at least not as my full story. I wasn’t quite ready to open myself up that much.
The best piece of advice I received from an author was when I was starting to query agents about my book. He said I needed to stop thinking the agents were turning down my book. They hadn’t read my book, they were saying no to the query so stop going back to edit the story and instead fix the query. Once I acted on his advice and rewrote my query, I started getting positive responses from agents.

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Christina has loved books since she can remember. There was nothing better than picking up a story and finding herself in another place and meeting new people. The love of reading evolved into the love of writing and she’s been writing since her teenage years. Her first novel, Parental Source, was a 2003 Library of Virginia Literary award nominee. Whether it’s a detective story or an inspirational romantic suspense, her stories usually involve some sort of crime where the characters are determined to see those wrongs righted.

Author Links
Webpage: www.christinafreeburn.com
Blog: www.theselfrescueprincess.wordpress.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Christina-Freeburn-Author/245592138834150
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/ChristinaFreeburn
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